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Frank Yip Scholarship Fund

The Frank Yip Scholarship Fund was established by the CMIA Board of Directors in 1998. It was created to honor the memory of Franklin Yip after his untimely passing.

First Sergeant Warren Bassuk Scholarship Fund

The First Sergeant Warren Bassuk Scholarship fund is established to support service members who selflessly serve, protect, and defend our country. This scholarship is available to students studying at the College of Biomedical Equipment Technology (CBET).

The 2024 scholarship deadline is November 30th, 2024.


CMIA Lifetime Membership

Life membership may be granted to persons having made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of CMIA and to its goals.

Life membership is the highest award available to the membership, and should only be conferred after close scrutiny of the member’s continual service to the CMIA. Shall be an active member of a chapter(s) for a minimum of ten (10) years.

Professional of the Year

This annual prize is presented in January to an individual who has given personally and professionally to the field of Biomedical / Clinical Engineering as well as to their local community.

The winner receives $1,000.00 and a plaque identifying them as the CMIA Professional of the Year. The winner is also nominated for a national award by AAMI. Learn more about the Professional of the Year award and the application process.

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